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Fun facts about Moon

The Moon is the only natural satellite of the Earth. A satellite is an object that is circling around a planet like an object or an asteroid. It is a theory that the moon was created , after a planet Mars sized asteroid collided with the Earth , which caused the debrie to bind and turn into the Moon . The orbit of the moon is an oval shape and not a circle .   That's why , when Moon comes closer to Earth due to it's oval orbit , "Supermoon " is observed. The Moon , orbits the Earth every 27.3 days . "Mons Huygens" , is the highest mountain on the moon and is approximately half the height of “Mount Everest”. Mount Everest is 8848 meters . The Moon , has many different phases , like "New Moon", "Crescent"," First quarter", "Waxing Gibbous", "Full Moon", "Waxing Gibbous", "Last quarter", "Crescent", "New Moon" etc. A Lunar ecli

Lunar Eclipse 2018 - Fun Facts

On 27  July 2018, there will be a longest total lunar eclipse ,  during which  the moon appear a lot bigger and also red.And the eclipse can be seen for the whole one hour.                                                 So ,what causes  the moon to turn red?.This question baffled scientists for many years , but with new technology, it has been discovered that the moon turns red , when the earth blocks the light coming from the sun to the moon , it casts two shadows called the penumbra and umbra shadow .                                                                                                                                   The penumbra gives of a blue light that deflects the red colour to the umbra which is the darkest shadow , since no light gets to moon , the deflected red colour cast a red colour on the moon. If the moon keeps on going round and round the earth then we should get a lunar eclipse every month.Instead , we get a lunar eclipse once every year.Why

Facts About Thames Barrier

                                    The Thames Barrier which was built in 1984, protects Central London from tidal surges in the North Sea.                                                         It protects 125 sq km or 48 sqm of Central London. The Thames barrier was built, because of the Thames flood in 1928. The Thames river flooding destroyed lots of properties and 14 people lost their lives in the flood. So, the Environmental Agency came up with the idea of the Thames Barrier and its construction started in 1974. It is predicted that even with heavy rainfall and rising tides due to climate change it will still be able to protect London from flooding until 2070. There are three positions of the Thames Barrier to let the river water flow in a controlled amount.                                         1- The "Underspill position", of the barrier allows a controlled amount of water to go under the barrier, this position is used when tides get too

Fire Place with Pimoroni Blinkt and RaspberryPi Zero

Thankyou Coolest ProjectsUK for Pimoroni Blinkt

AWS Summit 2018 - Awesome Experience

On Thursday, the 10th of May, I was invited to AWS Summit, as a member of Coolest Projects team. It was an early start, I woke up at 5 O'Clock. It was sunny but cold and although the journey was very long, I was still enthusiastic about the day.                                        When we reached ExCel London, we saw huge queues, but we were escorted as VIP guests by a nice AWS lady to the registration desk, where we were given our badges with our names on it.                                   We were then greeted by AWS Ninja. I had my picture taken with him.  All the Coolest Projects were allocated to a special place called the "Builders Fair".                                       Within the Builders Fair, there was a description of our projects and the place to set up. At the beginning of the summit, we had some Internet connection problem, but skilled AWS people quickly solved our problem.                                                

Coolest Project UK 2018 - My Experience

This Saturday on the 28th of April 2018, I went to Coolest Projects UK, organized by Raspberry PI foundation in Here East, Stratford London.It was a long journey and the weather was very cold, but I was very excited to show my project to everyone. The event organizers registered and provided all the participants with a shirt and a lanyard with our name and projects name on them.Then, I was allocated to a table with my name and my project name on.Next to me, was a team of children that had made a Zombie Apocalypse project.                                                                   My Presentation Table and Ninja Shirt There were four categories which included web pages, scratch, hardware and mobile applications.Many children took part in those categories.There were four brilliant Science Shows, I had the chance to attend two of them, hosted by Greg Foot and Neil Monteiro, who were the Science presenters. I also got to see 3D printers, speech to text machines and a camera

Controlling LED with BBC Micro:Bit

In this project we are going to control a LED light with one of the micro:bit buttons. Component required: Micro:bit Breakout board Breadboard LED Push button 2 female to male jumper wires Diagram of how all these components connect together looks like this

Google AIY voicekit

I found about the Google AIY voice kit on MagPi .It included a yellow button and a four daughter plug and a five wire plug , a voice hat , a microphone hat, tow stands to fit in the raspberry pi , the voice hat , and the speaker and two sets of cardboard.The only problem was that I couldn't find it anywhere online. Then one day I found Pimoroni.It was available there.I bought it straight away.Thanks to their very expiditious service I received it in a few days.I was very enthusiastic.I unpacked it .I had to fit the voice hat onto my own raspberry Pi.Then I had to follow the well thought instructions to make the box over the raspberry Pi.Then I had to burn AIY image onto a micro sd card.Burning it wasn't difficult .The only problem was finding time to work on it.I thought about it and decided to do it on Saturday. On Saturday morning I downloaded the apparatus onto the Raspberry Pi.I had to check the speaker and microphone .Then I had to enable a few different services.Then

Facts about Lovebirds

Lovebirds are a native of the African Continent.They are the smallest species of parrots and they have a 10-15years lifespan. They eat vegetables, seeds, fruits, and grass.Black-winged lovebirds eat insects and figs.                                    Lovebirds have 9 different species. Their size is 13-17 centimeters in length and weight is about 40-60 grams. They are monogamous and are affectionate, social and intelligent. They become aggressive without their companion and when reunited bond with them by feeding. Lovebirds like to live in the holes of trees, rocks, and shrubs.