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Showing posts from July, 2017

Fun facts about number "Zero"

1- Zero was invented in Babylon , India and Central America at different times . 2- Zero is not an ordinal number it cannot be placed as 1st , 2nd and 3rd . 3-  Zero in time means “now” . For example when a rocket is about to take of , or when a foot race is     about to start . 4- If you divide anything by itself , for example : 7 divided by 7 , the awnser will be one but if you do         the same with a zero the awnser will be zero . 5- The number zero is a whole number , it is not a positive or a negative number , but it is a neutral                 number . 6- It is an integer . 7- Between 1 BC and 1 AD there is no year zero . 8- Zero is usually written with six line segments on the seven-segment displays of calculators ,       watches etc . 9- Zero is used to represent that number in numerals , for example the numeral of 1000 there is one     time thousand plus zero hundred plus zero ten and plus zero units . 10- Ze

Observing Weather changes through RaspberryPi Sense Hat.

I am working on a project that will help gardeners take care of their plants . For the project , I  have used Raspberry Pi Sense hat, which can detect different weather conditions . To  observe the weather conditions , I have programmed it to detect the outdoor humidity  and  temperature changes . During a period of two weeks , I have recorded different weather  observations , which are as follows: 1- When the temperature was 28C and the humidity was 43% the Raspberry Pi Sense Hat  displayed a yellow colour on its screen which means “Sunny”, because it was true for the  condition when humidity is less than 50% and temperature is greater than 20C . 2-When the temperature was 18C and the humidity was 77% the Raspberry Pi Sense Hat  displayed a green colour on its screen which means “Nice”, because it was true for the  condition when humidity is greater than 50% and temperature is less than 20C . 3-When the temperature was 15C and the humid