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Showing posts from June, 2017

How to make your own Robot Lizard Contraption with Lego Wedo.


Sleeping Grass- Amazing plant

Today , I saw a very interesting plant which is called sleeping grass .   What was very interesting about it was that whenever I touched or blew on it all of its leaves started to close.   Let me tell you all some very interesting facts about this amazing plant .   Its scientific name is Mimosa Pudica .   The word “Pudica” in Latin means shy , bashful and shrinking .   Because of its shy nature it likes to grow under the trees or shrubs. It is the native of South America and Central America. The Mimosa Pudica is a very sensitive to movements like shaking , blowing and touching. These types of movements are called Seismonastic movement and they cause the change in orientation of the leaves. This movement is due to the high pressure stimuli received by the sleeping grass plant , which triggers the loss of water from the cells of the leaves resulting in the folding inwards and drooping of the leaves , this lasts for a few minutes , after that the sleeping grass regains its original