The “Kommodo Dragon” lives in Indonesia and is the largest lizard in the world . They belong to the species of Monitor lizard . They can reach up to 10 feet high and they are three meters wide . They are carnivores and they can eat racoons , turtles and even humans. They can see 300 meters away, so they can catch their prey . The “Basilisk lizard” lives in the Amazon and is also known as the “Jesus Christ Lizard”. They can run over the water . It has webbed feet and can run at speed of 86 mph . They like to eat insects . The “Thorny devil” lives in the Mexican Desert . Their bodies are covered with thorn . They like to eat ants and can eat 3000 of ants in a day . For hydration ,they absorbs the moisture from the air through the pores on their body . This hydration system , is mimic by scientists, to provide water to people living in the area where there is scarcity of water. Geckos are the largest group of liz...