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How to make Artificial Snow and Snowman

Fun facts about number "Zero"

1- Zero was invented in Babylon , India and Central America at different times . 2- Zero is not an ordinal number it cannot be placed as 1st , 2nd and 3rd . 3-  Zero in time means “now” . For example when a rocket is about to take of , or when a foot race is     about to start . 4- If you divide anything by itself , for example : 7 divided by 7 , the awnser will be one but if you do         the same with a zero the awnser will be zero . 5- The number zero is a whole number , it is not a positive or a negative number , but it is a neutral                 number . 6- It is an integer . 7- Between 1 BC and 1 AD there is no year zero . 8- Zero is usually written with six line segments on the seven-segment displays of calculators ,       watches etc . 9- Zero is used to represent that number in numerals , for example the numeral of 1000 there is one     time thousand plus zero hundred plus zero ten and plus zero units . 10- Ze

Observing Weather changes through RaspberryPi Sense Hat.

I am working on a project that will help gardeners take care of their plants . For the project , I  have used Raspberry Pi Sense hat, which can detect different weather conditions . To  observe the weather conditions , I have programmed it to detect the outdoor humidity  and  temperature changes . During a period of two weeks , I have recorded different weather  observations , which are as follows: 1- When the temperature was 28C and the humidity was 43% the Raspberry Pi Sense Hat  displayed a yellow colour on its screen which means “Sunny”, because it was true for the  condition when humidity is less than 50% and temperature is greater than 20C . 2-When the temperature was 18C and the humidity was 77% the Raspberry Pi Sense Hat  displayed a green colour on its screen which means “Nice”, because it was true for the  condition when humidity is greater than 50% and temperature is less than 20C . 3-When the temperature was 15C and the humid

How to make your own Robot Lizard Contraption with Lego Wedo.


Sleeping Grass- Amazing plant

Today , I saw a very interesting plant which is called sleeping grass .   What was very interesting about it was that whenever I touched or blew on it all of its leaves started to close.   Let me tell you all some very interesting facts about this amazing plant .   Its scientific name is Mimosa Pudica .   The word “Pudica” in Latin means shy , bashful and shrinking .   Because of its shy nature it likes to grow under the trees or shrubs. It is the native of South America and Central America. The Mimosa Pudica is a very sensitive to movements like shaking , blowing and touching. These types of movements are called Seismonastic movement and they cause the change in orientation of the leaves. This movement is due to the high pressure stimuli received by the sleeping grass plant , which triggers the loss of water from the cells of the leaves resulting in the folding inwards and drooping of the leaves , this lasts for a few minutes , after that the sleeping grass regains its original

Interesting facts about Lizards

The “Kommodo Dragon” lives in Indonesia and is the largest lizard in the world .   They belong to the species of Monitor lizard . They can reach up to 10 feet high and they are three meters wide .   They are carnivores and they can eat racoons , turtles and even humans. They can see 300 meters away, so they can catch their prey . The “Basilisk lizard” lives in the Amazon and is also known as the “Jesus Christ Lizard”. They can run over the water .   It has webbed feet and can run at speed of 86 mph .   They like to eat insects . The “Thorny devil” lives in the Mexican Desert .   Their bodies are covered with thorn . They like to eat ants and can eat 3000 of ants in a day . For hydration ,they absorbs the moisture from the air through the pores on their body .   This hydration system , is mimic by scientists, to provide water to people living in the area where there is scarcity of water. Geckos are the largest group of lizards ,about 5,000 species . F

Lego technic robot completing obstacle course


Travel blog-Austria Part-7

                                              Today , I went to Schonbrunn palace with my German teacher .   We went there by taking the ' Hop on  Hop off bus' for Vienna Sightseeing . Arriving at Schonbrunn Palace     The Palace is painted yellow because it was Queen Maria Thereasa’s summer residence . Summer residence of the Queen Maria Ther easa                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            As we entered through the palace gates into the courtyard , there were huge statues with fountains  on both sides Beautiful sculpture with fountain For taking visitors around the  palace, there were horse carriages which are called "Fiaker in  German  and the Sch

Travelblog -Austria Part- 6

                                                   Wiener Prater In the morning , at around 8 a.m. we went on a fun journey to Wiener Prater, first took a       tram and then a train which goes to Wiener Prater Station .    Arriving at desination --Woohooo!    When we entered through the gates we saw a giant Ferris wheel in the front . Where the fun begins On the right, there is a planetarium ,   as we walked towards the planetarium, we saw on the  tiles of the path names of people written on the ground .   Planetarium On the left side there is Madame Tassau Museum . Madame Tassau Museum As we went further ahead we had a ride in the rollercoster , it was really exciting and scary .   Ride if you dare Then there was a big slide where you put your feet in the sack and that makes you come  down really quick . Slippy Slidy We also had a ride in the Prater turm where you defy gravity , that was an excellent  experience .   Defy