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Showing posts from July, 2016

" YOUR SPACE MUSIC LESSON "- Personalized Music Lessons for Adults and Children.

      This is a place  where you can learn how to play different musical instruments at the comfort of your home by using Skype, from experience music teachers. One can select any time and day of the week to book a lesson of the teacher of your choice. On their first lesson ,assessment is done to know the level and accordingly they suggests the right book for you to learn the musical pieces.They are very helpful and always encouraging student's to come up with their own tunes.                         They organize"Online Concerts"in which they invite all their students and teachers to play their pieces together.                                              

Bizarre Baby Festivals

   There are two baby festivals which are really bizarre takes place in Spain and Japan, but both are for guarding them against ill health  and evil spirits through out life.    One of them is Baby jumping (El Colacho ) is a traditional Spanish festival dating back to 1620's.In El Colacho men are dressed as Devils jumps over the babies.                                                                      The  other one is 400 years old Japanese festival called Nakizumo .In this competition sumo wrestlers hold the babies and try to make them cry by gently shaking or by making noises.                           

COMIC SERIES : The Human Tower - Castell


FUN TYPER - Learn Touch Typing

FunTyper is a program to learn and practice touch typing at home.In the program they have  video tutorials  which shows the placement of the fingers , which is very helpful . Through different games they teach to do typing without looking at the keyboard.At first the games are simple as your writing per minute increases it gets challenging but fun .As your writing per minute increases you unlock more new games. Main page Game grid Video gallery  Showing what fingers to use. Warm up game

Transmission App. of Science Museum

 Transmission app is about building communication network and how the transmitters and receivers are connected.Telegraph is the simplest  communication network to start with,then we move on to telephone, computer, broadcast, satellite and then cellular networks which are complex forms of communication networks.They have also given the information about transmitters,receivers ,transceivers,antenna etc.To play the game you need to connect it in such a way that the transmission is  received by all the networks. At first it is easy to play then it gets more complex and puzzling and challenging.                                                                                    Simplest network to start Information about transmitters Information about antennas How to play  Given challenge ! This is how to spread the data throughout the network.

Robotic Arm

                                                      I got a present of a Robotic arm which is a product of  Maplin. We have to assemble the robotic arm ourselves.It took us one day to completely build it. It resembles the human arm,.The joints are attached with a motor and their functions are quite similar to the joints in the human arm .It is also attached with a light in the front it comes with a USB connector through which it can be connected to the computer or Raspberry Pi  . And it also comes with a software.There are four D batteries  required which are not included in the box.You can operate it by two modes mouse and keyboard. Fully build robotic arm Software for the robotic arm         Keyboard mode to control Mouse mode to control Finally a working robotic arm

"Rugged Rover App. of Science Museum

I found an interesting app where you first have to make any rover shape and you can put 8 wheels  and when you are done  press the launch button and then your rover will be going on a terrain .if your shape is not so aerodynamic then it is not going to last so long.. You can see other people's rover's and you can compete with them. That's how you create a rover That's how you can see other players That's how you play it. If you like this app and want to download then click here If you want to read more about this app then click here